LibreOffice je profesionálny kancelársky balík. Prehľadné používateľské rozhranie a výkonné nástroje vám umožnia pracovať kreatívne a efektívne. LibreOffice obsahuje niekoľko vzájomne prepojených aplikácií, ktoré spolu tvoria najlepší slobodný či otvorený kancelársky balík na trhu.
LibreOffice je jeden z najpriateľskejších a najrýchlejšie rastúcich projektov vo svete slobodného a open source softvéru.
Our Czech community provides insights from the LinuxDays 2024 conference, which took place over the weekend of 12 – 13 October in Prague: At the LibreOffice booth, there was a very large group of people (with a few exceptions) of satisfied LibreOffice users, of which young people (primary and secondary school students) were represented in […]
Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more… The main theme of November was the Month of LibreOffice, saying thanks for community contributions all across the LibreOffice project – coding, documentation, QA, design and more. At the end of […]
LibreOffice 25.2 will be released as final at the beginning of February, 2025 ( Check the Release Plan ) being LibreOffice 25.2 Beta1 the second pre-release since the development of version 25.2 started in mid Juny, 2024. Since the previous release, LibreOffice 25.2 Alpha1, 450 commits have been submitted to the code repository and 105 issue[…]
Our Czech community provides insights from the LinuxDays 2024 conference, which took place over the weekend of 12 – 13 October in Prague: At the LibreOffice booth, there was a very large group of people (with a few exceptions) of satisfied LibreOffice users, of which young people (primary and secondary school students) were represented in […]
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